Hello, I am from the mountain west area of the US and am a member of the Alvisoc. My Alvis project is a 1948 Alvis TA-14 Carbodies DHC. I find myself with minimal understanding of some terms that involve Alvis and also all other British cars. I am sure that you fellows, from the other side of the pond, know these terms first hand, please help me out with a basic description. I will list my questions: 1- My wife asked me what the "TA" in TA-14 stands for? 2- We, in the USA, have to deal with a few odd HP terms such as ALAM, SAE, BRAKE, TEST and etc, please tell me what is meant by the term "12-50"? 3- I am guessing that the 14 in TA-14 equates to the 12 in 12-50, is that assumption correct? 4- We deal with an annual vehicle inspection also, please describe what MOT means and what is involved with your inspection? 5- I see talk of "log books" how does a log book relate to a vehicle and the MOT? 6- Is a log book a legal requirement of a voluntary document? 7- What is your process for making legal an old car with no log book and has not had one of your MOT for years? 8- What is your vehicle "Title" process like for conveying ownership of either a complete car or pile of parts, to be used to build a car? Thanks in advance for your patience in reading and providing me with basic information so I do not feel like a dumb bell as I interact on this forum. I am a member of several other single marque clubs, all of which use this similar forum type and I have found that it is a very good source for interacting with other members. Regards, Alan Dewsnup Posted by alsfarms 31/12/2012 15:36:24