Sunday, March 9, 2025 10:21:58 PM

Workshop Manuals needed

7 years ago
#2120 Quote
The AOC is looking to gather all the available Alvis workshop/technical manuals and store them digitally, making them available as downloads to AOC members. This would add further information to the existing Manuals of Instructions and Spare Parts Catalogues which are already available as downloads on the members-only section of the AOC website.  Do you have a copy (physical, i.e paper, or digital, i.e. a CD or pdf) of any workshop manuals, repair manuals or similar technical guidance? Please note this request does not include the Compendium of Technical Articles from the Bulletin which was compiled by our Technical Advisor, Nick Simpson.    If so, and you're prepared to share what you have with the AOC membership, thus preserving this knowledge for existing and future Alvis owners and workshops, please reply to this notice with details of what you have. I'll then let you know (a) if we need it and (b) what we would like you to do. Please rest assured if you lend the AOC any materials, they will be returned to you safely. Posted by Philip 15/03/2017 10:16:05
7 years ago
#2121 Quote
Philip,  I have the following which I suspect the AOC would already have. All are in hardcopy format and are originals.  Post War  Motor Trader Service Data 202 Workshop Manual for the Alvis 46-58 from Wallage Reprints AOC Technical Compendium for the TA-TC series  Pre War  AOC Repair Manual for Alvis Cars 1932-1939 by R.E. Spain - 1956 Alvis Instruction Book for the Silver Eagle Model TA 16-95 Instructions for the 10-30 Light Car deluxe Silence without Sacrifice by Maurice Platt -original reprinted from The Motor April 6 1937.  I also have variety of bearing and seal catalogues that quote dimensions.  Regards,  Richard Melbourne Posted by RichardWallach 15/03/2017 22:01:00
7 years ago
#2122 Quote
Hi Richard  I've checked with our vice Chair what we have/need from your list - would you be prepared to have them scanned and email them?  We don't need the AOC Technical Compendium - but we would love to have the others...  Best regards  Philip Posted by Philip 16/03/2017 14:52:50
7 years ago
#2123 Quote
Philip,  Perhaps we could chat by e-mail. Mine is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> That way I can clarify matters.     Richard Melbourne Posted by RichardWallach 16/03/2017 21:52:49
7 years ago
#2124 Quote
Thanks, Richard - email sent today. Posted by Philip 17/03/2017 10:10:07