BBC’s Top Gear tries a drive-in audience format and invited a few Alvis along.
At the suggestion of Dan Geoghegan and the invitation of Bicester Heritage, the AOC held a Centenary event at Bicester Heritage on 20th August.
We seek it here; we seek it there. Those Alvisties seek it everywhere! Is it in heaven? Or is it in hell? That demmed Elusive ‘Pop Up!” (Apologies to Sir Percy B). Seek no further, at the invitation of Steve Wilson of Fisher Group you are invited to visit and tour their new premises at Chateau Impney.
'Pop Up' Event at Bicester Heritage: Spring Bank Holiday #3
Virtual Centenary Party 8 August 2020: Spring Bank Holiday #2.
A Changing Centenary Celebration: Spring Bank Holiday #1 and letter of thanks from Coventry Food Bank.
What did you do on Drive It day? Lovely picture of a TD21 parked up on the day. Why not send in a write up of what you got upto with a couple of pictures
Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs reminds clubs to share their #DriveitDayMemories this weekend.
Alvis Owner Club - Club policy on future events and public health guidance for members
The latest government guidance in relation to coronavirus represents the most significant curbs to daily life in peace time.
The AOC in the Netherlands have a new website.
Presenting the Dunham Cup to Marianne Chapman, AOC Shop Manager.